Board Setup

Load/Save Layout

Bill of Materials


Use the left hand panel to place and modify components.

Use the "quick tool" buttons in the bottom for additional settings/features:

โš™ Board Setup

Update board information and dimensions.

๐Ÿ’พ Load/Save Layout

Load/save .strpbrd files containing layout information, and export the current layout as an image.

๐Ÿ›  Bill of Materials

Generate a CSV file detailing the components included in the layout.

๐Ÿ  Centre View

Forces the layout position to return to the centre of the screen.

๐Ÿ“ Scale (Zoom)

Manually select the scale of the layout drawn to the screen.

General Controls

Undo: Ctrl + z

Redo: Ctrl + y

Pan and Zoom

Zoom in/out: Scroll

Pan up/down: Ctrl + Scroll

Pan left/right: Shift + Scroll

Component Actions

Move selected component: m

Delete selected component: Delete

Duplicate selected component: Shift + c

Design stripboard layouts online